Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Weekend of Lottie's Arrival

Lottie arrived on a Tuesday
 and even though we
 were given the option to
 leave a day early we
 decided to stay the entire 48 hours
 in the hospital so we could rest. 

It was a great decision because
 we haven't taken a break since. 

We brought Lottie home from
 the hospital around lunch time
 and we had to be at the church by 6 for
 the girl's preschool Christmas program. 

Thankfully, Mrs. Sue was there to watch Lottie
 and Roman while Jared and I went to the program.

It was Isla's 1st stage appearance so
 missing it wasn't an option! 

She sang her heart out!

And she did great on her speaking 
part, "A is for Angel who sang His praises". 

Her favorite song was "Away in the Manger".

I was very proud of Isla's debut! 

Nixon's program was right after Isla's. 

Last year she got a little scared so
 we were unsure if she would say her part...

but she did perfect this year! 

"B is for baby who lay in a manger"

On Saturday Deidre, Jim, Reid and 
Ellis came for the day  to meet Lottie!

On Sunday morning Lottie went 
to church for the 1st time! 
(probably not the best picture but I think she's still cute) 

The girls sang during the service.

Below are a few pictures of the kids after 
church in their cute shirts Gue made them!
(I made the skirts and pants)

I told the girls to sit and I would 
let them hold the baby. 
Apparently Roman didn't 
realize he was no longer the baby! 

Lottie is grinning up at Isla!

That afternoon Jared and I felt we 
needed to take the three older kids and
 do something fun since we had been 
giving Lottie so much attention. 

Nixon had been begging to go ride 
on the horse and carriage at The Landings
 so we thought that would be perfect. 

When we arrived we realized it 
was the Budweiser Clydesdale horses 
and that there were no carriage rides!

After waiting an hour and not even 
getting to see the horses the 
kids and I were disappointed. 
(Jared was laughing hysterically all afternoon at the 
fact I didn't know that they would not let us
 ride in the carriage with the Clydesdales.) 

But the disappointment was nothing
 a little sidewalk 
chalk and hopscotch couldn't fix! 

Even Jared played hopscotch with the kids!

We ended up at Krispey Kreme to 
make up for no horses. 

Personally, I'd chose a doughnut
 over a carriage ride any day!

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