It's almost has been a whole week.
A whole lot of hospital
gowns, peeing in a bed pans and missing my children dearly!
It happened so fast I can't believe I am getting to come
home tomorrow (still praying that works out)!
So many have asked what happened? How did you do
that? Did you have a car accident? etc.
So in hope that I will not have to repeat
this story 5,000x, here it goes!
Jared was asked to be the speaker at a Disciple Now
in his hometown Leroy, AL. We were all very excited to
go down to Leroy and enjoy the weekend as Jared went
and served at his old church.
I previously had planned a
hysterectomy for the following
Tuesday, (Happy Valentine's Day to Jared).
Unfortunately, I spent the entire day Thursday
at pre-op putting me very behind at work.
Friday came and my sweet Jared noticed
little signs of me being stressed and overwhelmed.
He decided I needed to stay home.
(I tried talking him out of it it but
he insisted he was the man and
he made the final decision.)
I was disappointed I was not going
to be able to make the trip but I liked the thought
of having a weekend alone with Lottie to relax and
enjoy and to just have a much needed "Break"!
Lottie and I enjoyed our Friday
night together. We did all the
laundry, lounged around, and
made big plans about organizing
the house in the next two days.
(Which involved emptying most of the
closets and bringing down half the attic!)
That evening, two college friends Haley and
Erica came by. I introduced them to the classic
movie "The Legends of the Fall" with Mr Brad Pitt.
Afterwards, the girls left to go home.
I locked the doors and turned on all the lights.
Being the scardy cat that I am I
was not able to go to sleep right
away. I decided to clean!
I began by putting fresh sheets
on everyones beds, I started in Roman's room.
Meanwhile, Lottie was fast asleep
in the living room in her bassinet.
All of a sudden I heard a jingling at the door,
I heard someone trying to enter the back door.
Of course I froze in fear! All the bad thoughts
that could possibly come into my mind started flooding in.
All I honestly remember is LOTTIE and that
I needed to get LOTTIE! So as my memory
serves me I ran into the living room from
Roman's room. I either jumped over the
ottoman or jumped and tripped over something??????
I am not real sure but what I am sure of is that when
I landed I heard a loud POP!
I was on the ground and I could not move.
From there the adventure began!
I was lying, screaming on the living room floor when
I realized Erica had just left her keys inside the house!
My wonderful neighbor Nicole and her husband
Heath ran over to rescue me, busting windows and all!
I refused to ride in the ambulance (those things are way to expensive)
which led to a a 5 hour wait in a wheelchair
(should of road the ambulance), a few x-rays,
a cat-scan, a couple of doctors
and two orthopedic surgeons later----- we discovered
I had a upper tibial plateau fracture. In plain english-----
I broke the top part of my big bone in my leg
into my knee which means
I will not walk for 2-3 months :/
As you can imagine I was very emotional and I
had to wait for Jared to arrive. We planned
surgery for Monday and I honestly was so doped
up on morphine the 1st several days I do not remember
much. I am sure if you would like to speak to
Jared he has some funny tales to tell!
This adventure has caused me to create a
few new rules for our marriage:
#1 Do not allow your spouse, who after receiving
large quantities of narcotics,
to use FaceBook,
Twitter or any other forms
of communication
anytime soon.
Even if they promise to just "look".
#2 Do not allow your spouse to send out mass
texts the morning
after major
(morphine clouds judgment)
#3 If your spouse offers you a "Break"
double check he doesn't mean a
broken bone:)
#4 Be glued to your spouses side after any major
surgery or ordeal. They need you,
they love you, they
depend on you for keeping their crazy
b/n you and them.
That is why God gave you to each other
We are not sure what the next few months have in store for us
but we do know Who is in control.
No walking with 4
littles ones seems insane!!!
BUT we
trusting in
our Lord.
We are beyond blessed with each other
who we can love & lean on; trust on daily, we are blessed
with an amazing church home who already has
provided food, childcare, and simple fellowship
we could get from no other place.
In this time of chaos I am reminded of
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, sthe faithful God
twho keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love
him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,